Book an event at Acme Community Centre.

Regular hirer? You can optionally create an account to save your booking details or log in here.

Please Note: 

All Damage Deposits for bookings must be paid in full within 48 hours of receiving the invoice. Bookings will not be approved until the Damage Deposit payment is received. 

Rental Fees are due the business day prior to the date of the event. Please include invoice number(s) with your payments.

If you are only renting a portion of the facility, others may book the rooms you are not using at the same time as your event. 

Fields marked * must be filled in.

DOUBLE MEETING ROOM: If you are wanting to book the Double Meeting Room, please select both Single Meeting Rooms. FULL FACILITY: If you are wanting to book the Full Facility, please select all rooms.

Bookings may begin no earlier than 8:00 am and all bookings must end at 11:59 pm, unless otherwise arranged with the Hall Board. 

If you would like for your event to extend past 11:59 pm, please leave a comment regarding this in the "Message for Hall Admin" below. 

If you require access to the facility the day prior to your event, you must book and pay for the extra day. 

Must be four-digit 24-hour clock.
e.g. 0900 or 1630.
Must be four-digit 24-hour clock.
e.g. 0900 or 1630.
