Invoicing Overview
All Hall Booking Online accounts include an invoicing system. You don't have to use it: if your venu...
Data Storage - Time Limits
Data is stored going back the previous two calendar years. e. g. If the year is currently 202...
Invoicing FAQs
Do I have to invoice before approving a booking?No. You can approve a booking at your discretion. &...
Exporting Invoice Data
Invoice data can be exported as CSV (comma separated values). The exported file can then be importe...
You can request deposits through the invoicing system. You can have more than one invoice for a boo...
Invoices - CCing the Treasurer
You can send a CC email all invoices with your Treasurer. If you have online payments set up, the s...
What is Hall Booking Online
Hirers can see a calendar of all the bookings for your venue. They can make a booking which the Boo...
The Booking Process
The hirer views the calendar to check if the venue is available. He/she then fills in the booking re...
Turning off Notification Emails to Hirers
When you are setting up a new venue, you may need to enter existing bookings. You probably don't wan...
A subscription for a single venue is £120 per year, all inclusive. We don't charge extra for ...
Sending Credit Notes
You can send credit notes by clicking on the Invoicing tab and then on the Credit Note link. The for...
Sending an Invoice
First, find the booking(s) you want to invoice. You can do this from the from the Awaiting Approval...
Ad-Hoc Invoices
Ad-hoc invoices are invoices which are not connected to a specific booking (or bookings). To send an...
Invoicing Past Events
From the Administrator's dashboard, click on the magnifying glass search icon. (Look top right!)Ent...
Managing Bookings
It's very easy to manage your bookings. When you log in, the Awaiting Approval tab shows you at a gl...
Subscription Costs & Payment Methods
Hall Booking Online is available on an annual subscription. How do we subscribe?Just get in touch wi...
Accepting Online Payments with Stripe or PayPal
Linking Hall Booking Online with PayPal or Stripe allows your venue to accept online payments. Overv...
Looking for more help?
Check out our PDF Guide or contact us if you need more assistance.